
WooCommerce Conditions

Breakdance features a number of useful conditions specifically for adding display logic to your WooCommerce designs.

Query Conditions

Query conditions are used when designating a custom query for elements like Products List.

  • Inventory: Stock status
  • Inventory: Stock quantity
  • Product: Virtual
  • Product: Downloadable
  • Product: Cart
  • Product: Attributes
  • Product: Shipping class
  • Product: Tags
  • Product: Categories
  • Measurements: Width
  • Measurements: Height
  • Measurements: Length
  • Measurements: Weight
  • Price: Price
  • Price: On Sale
  • Price: Tax Status
  • Price: Tax Class

Element Conditions

Element conditions are used to control the visibility of individual elements in your designs.

  • Cart: Cart Quantity
    • Determine visibility based on the quantity of items in the customer’s cart
  • Cart: Cart Value
    • Determine visibility based on the total value of all items in the customer’s cart
  • Cart: Cart Weight
    • Determine visibility based on the total weight of all items in the customer’s cart
  • Customer: Purchased Product
    • Determine visibility based on whether the customer has or has not purchased a specific product
  • Customer: Order Count
    • Determine visibility based on the number of orders the customer has made in your store
  • Customer: Total Spend
    • Determine visibility based on the total amount of money the customer has spent in your store