

The AnalyticsWP integration for Breakdance now allows you to add triggers to a user’s journey in AnalyticsWP. These triggers are very useful for helping you understand how your users are interacting with your site. Breakdance’s integration introduces a new AnalyticsWP Event element and an option to view a user’s journey from the Breakdance Form Submissions page.

Before You Begin

Before beginning with Breakdance and AnalyticsWP, please verify that the AnalyticsWP plugin is installed and activated on your site.

How to View the Journey of a Form Submission

With AnalyticsWP installed, any Breakdance Form with the Store Submission Action will now allow you to see the user’s journey leading up to the Form Submission. To view the journey of a Form Submission, go to Breakdance > Form Submissions in the WordPress Admin area. Then, click the “View Journey” link for the desired Form Submission.

After the journey loads, you’ll see the user’s actions on your site, when they visited it, and the time it took them between each action. Additionally, the Breakdance Form Submission action will be highlighted. This can be very helpful if the form they filled out is a help request form, as you’ll be able to see the steps they took leading up to the point where they contacted you.

Using the AnalyticsWP Event element

The AnalyticsWP Event element is an Advanced element that adds two triggers you can use in your Breakdance designs. The first trigger tracks how long a user is active on a page, and the second trigger monitors how far a user scrolls down the page.

After you add the AnalyticsWP Event element to the page, you can select which trigger you would like to use and define the Label that will show for the triggered event on the AnalyticsWP journey page.