
Content Controls


In this section, you can define the core content settings for the Product Element. Choose the specific product to display, and decide whether to show or hide upsells and related products to tailor the customer’s shopping experience.

  • Product – Select the specific product you want to display using the post chooser. This determines which product’s details are shown in the element.
  • Disable Upsells – Toggle this option to show or hide upsell products associated with the chosen product. This can help streamline the page’s focus.
  • Disable Related – Use this toggle to control the visibility of related products. Turning this off can simplify the product page.

Design Controls


The Image section lets you control the positioning of the product’s images. Adjust their placement to ensure the images complement the page layout and enhance the product presentation.

  • Position – Choose the position of the product images in relation to the product details, enhancing the visual appeal and layout consistency.


Spacing controls provide you with the ability to adjust the margin around the Product Element, helping to integrate it seamlessly into your overall page design. Use these settings to ensure the product element has appropriate space from other page content.

  • Margin Top – Set the amount of space above the product element to create visual separation from other elements on the page.
  • Margin Bottom – Adjust the space below the product element, ensuring it doesn’t overlap with subsequent content.


The Advanced section offers further customization options for the Product Element. Here, you can access more detailed settings for behavior, responsiveness, and specific styling needs, providing you with greater control over how the product integrates with your site.