When you use our website, make an account, download Breakdance, install Breakdance on your WordPress site, or otherwise interact with our servers in any way — for instance, by installing Breakdance, entering your license key, downloading updates, or accessing our design library — we may verify your license key, domain name, and other associated information. We keep records of these interactions to help us understand usage patterns, identify potential issues, and optimize our marketing efforts. For instance, if we notice a significant number of users in a particular region or industry, we might focus our marketing resources and campaigns to better serve that demographic.
However, other than the above, when it comes to what you actually do inside the Breakdance application — the elements you use, the things you click, etc. — if it does not require communication with our servers, we do not monitor or track this information unless you decide to help us enhance the product by opting in.
In Breakdance 2.3 and later, you can opt-in to share usage data with us by checking the box labeled “Yes, I want to help improve Breakdance.” at Breakdance > Settings > Privacy or in the installation wizard.
This allows us to collect data on how you use the application, which features you frequent, and preferences in your design workflow.
For example, if we notice that many users frequently use a particular feature but struggle with certain aspects of it, we can streamline its functionality and make it more intuitive in future updates. Or if a rarely used tool is discovered to be incredibly useful by those who try it, we might make it more prominent or accessible for all users.
Your decision to share this information is entirely voluntary. If you choose to opt-in, it helps us understand user behavior and improve the product accordingly. If you decide not to opt-in, we will not track your usage patterns or activities within the software except for those that require interactions with our servers such as licensing verification, software updates, access to the design library.
Disclaimer: This document is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for our official terms of service. At Breakdance, we are a small team dedicated to transparency and accuracy. Despite our best efforts, the fast pace of software development, our limited resources, or a miscommunication between the documentation writers and software team could lead to situations where this document becomes outdated or inaccurate. We also acknowledge that unforeseen issues like software bugs could inadvertently lead to data being tracked or collected in ways not outlined here. Please understand that any such discrepancies are likely unintentional. If we identify any issues, we will take corrective action and update our documentation. Should you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.