The Breakdance Icon Library contains Font Awesome Icons and IcoMoon icons by default. It is also possible to import custom Icons for use in the Icon Library.
The Icon Library can be accessed with an element that has an Icon control, such as the Icon element. When you choose an Icon, the library will open.
From here, you can browse the Icons within the library. You can choose to browse All Icons or filter by specific Icon Sets.
Uploading Custom Icons into Breakdance can be done with the following steps:
You can delete any Icons that you’ve uploaded to a site. Please note that it is not possible to delete built-in Icons.
You can delete individual Icons using the following steps:
It is possible to delete all Custom Icons in an Icon Set:
Please note that this will delete all Icons in the set and will not delete individual Icons.
You may export an Icon Set through the following process:
If you’ve upgraded from Breakdance v1 to Breakdance v2, you may need to perform additional steps to update from Font Awesome 5 to Font Awesome 6.
Please note that after running these steps, you will need to reinstall any Custom Icons.