
Rapid, constant improvements.

At Breakdance, excellence isn't a goal—it's our benchmark. Our developing reputation as the most comprehensive visual builder for WordPress is no accident—it's the result of our unwavering commitment to user-driven refinement and a rapid update cycle.

Discover the latest new features below, or find our roadmap for the future here.

November 2023
new version

New Features In Breakdance 1.7

Breakdance 1.7 includes a number of important new features, and a large number of tweaks, enhancements, and general quality of life updates.

We’re very excited to announce that the first beta of Breakdance 1.7 is now available for testing. You can find the beta download in the customer portal.

Read on to find out more about what’s in store in Breakdance 1.7!

Build Massive WooCommerce Stores with Breakdance

New in 1.7, we’ve heavily optimized Breakdance to operate on WooCommerce stores with enormous product inventories and extremely large taxonomy term counts. Stores with huge numbers of products or those dealing with a large number of category and tag combinations can now operate smoothly without any performance hiccups. This is achieved through improved data handling and query optimization, ensuring that large-scale operations do not compromise the site’s speed and user experience.

This makes Breakdance an ideal solution for high-volume online retailers seeking a robust and reliable e-commerce platform. Looking ahead, this update positions Breakdance not just as a tool for current needs but as a future-proof solution for expanding online stores. As businesses grow and diversify their offerings, Breakdance will continue to provide a stable and efficient platform, adaptable to evolving market demands and customer expectations. Our commitment to scalability and performance makes Breakdance a valuable asset for ambitious WooCommerce store owners aiming to scale their operations seamlessly.

Introducing The Template Marketplace

A screenshot of the template marketplace at breakdance.com/templates

We’re super excited to foster a rich ecosystem around Breakdance. One of the first steps toward that is the new Template Marketplace, which is launching alongside the first beta of Breakdance 1.7.

The Template Marketplace is a complete list of community-created and native templates available for use via Breakdance’s design library.

You can browse the list of templates and find beautiful designs to propel your site to the next level instantly.

To further enable the distribution and sale of third-party templates, we’ve introduced a few enhancements to our design library features.

Hide The “Copy Section” Button

On sites designated as design sets, visitors are presented with a convenient “copy section” button while browsing the site on the front-end.

For premium template sellers, this needs to be hidden for any users who haven’t already paid for the design.

In Breakdance 1.7, we’ve made this button optional and disabled by default.

Password Protect Your Design Sets

Previously, it was difficult to protect premium design sets from non-paying customers.

In Breakdance 1.7, you can password protect access to your design sets easily.

The password you designate can then be distributed to paying customers via your sales platform or other means.

Add Alternate & Static Items In Repeater Layouts

A screenshot showing the Breakdance builder controls for adding alternate and static blocks to Repeater element layouts

Breakdance features stellar support for repeatable content from plugins like Advanced Custom Fields and Meta Box via its Repeater element.

In Breakdance 1.7, you can now designate alternate Global Blocks and even static content to be shown interstitially within your Repeater element, enabling a vast array of creative and effective layouts.

Edit Rich Text Your Way

Image of a TinyMCE rich text editor

In Breakdance 1.7, we’ve introduced the ability to edit Rich Text elements with the TinyMCE editor.

This feature was highly demanded and provides an incredible amount of flexibility when authoring rich text content in Breakdance.

Developer API For Global Settings

A screenshot of a code example related to the new Global Settings API for Breakdance

Developers rejoice! You can now add your own Global Settings to Breakdance’s Global Settings areas via our new Global Settings API.

You can learn more about the API and view examples at https://breakdance.com/documentation/developers/global-settings-api/.

Polish & Fixes

  • Custom design sets are now listed by name instead of URL
  • Adjusted the width of the design library modal
  • Design Library now remembers the last used provider
  • It is now possible to filter design sets by name
  • Code editor instances now wrap lines by default
  • Made performance improvements for sites with large numbers of posts, products, tags, etc…
  • Template Content Area now uses “main” tag by default and allows different tag choices
  • Typography presets are now sorted alphabetically
  • Header Builder now supports “aside” and “nav” tags
  • Hashlinks now work with sticky/entrance animations
  • Added center/center positioning for Image Hover Card captions
  • Improved semantics by removing use of footer tag from the Form Builder
  • Fixed responsive text field for Social Share Buttons
  • Fixed number typography for Simple Counter
  • Exposed new formValues variable for Form Builder JS action
  • Fixed issue with the Form Builder breaking in certain instances after clearing settings in “advanced” sections
  • Fixed issue preventing slider arrow size + overlay from working on mobile
new version

Breakdance 1.6.1

Breakdance 1.6.1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.6.1.


  • Post Meta – terms not appearing
  • breakdance_element_dynamic_property_paths filter – fix server error on some configurations
October 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.6

Breakdance 1.6 is now available. Watch a video overview and read about the new features in the initial Breakdance 1.6 announcement.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.6.

Changes From RC1 to Final

  • Fix various PHP errors related to Breakdance’s new beta compatibility with PHP 8.2
new version

Breakdance 1.6 RC 1

Breakdance 1.6 RC 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.6 RC 1.

Watch a video overview and read about the new features in the initial Breakdance 1.6 announcement.


  • Fix various PHP errors related to Breakdance’s new beta compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Fix support for ACF term fields
  • Improved Error Messages – don’t auto-open dialog
September 2023
new version

New Features In Breakdance 1.6

Hello, amazing creators and developers!

We’re excited to share that Breakdance 1.6 is now available in beta.

We’ve packed in new features, tweaks, and fixes that will make your website-building experience smoother, faster, and more creative.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.6 beta 1.

We’re aiming to roll out the final version of Breakdance 1.6 in October.

Enhanced Search with WooCommerce & Custom Post Type Support

In this update, we’ve supercharged the Breakdance’s Search Form element.

Search WooCommerce Products & Custom Post Types

Now, you have the power to refine your search results even further. With the new update, you can add an option in the Search Form element to display results from a specific post type. This means if you want your users to only see blog posts or product listings or any other custom post type in their search results, you can easily set that up.

Combine search with Breakdance’s elements for WooCommerce filtering

The Breakdance Search Form element seamlessly works hand-in-hand with our specialized elements for WooCommerce filtering. When users navigate through your WooCommerce store, they can effortlessly filter and refine their search results. Whether they’re looking for a particular product category, price range, or other attributes, our search functionality streamlines the shopping experience, guiding users to their desired products with ease.

In our recent update, we’ve bolstered the connection between the Breakdance Search Form element and our specialized elements for WooCommerce filtering. This enhancement ensures that when users browse your WooCommerce store, they can effortlessly filter and refine their search results. Be it a specific product category, price range, or other attributes, these filters can be integrated with the search results page users are taken to after searching with the upgraded Search Form Element. Our upgraded search functionality streamlines the shopping experience, making product discovery straightforward and efficient.

Smoothly integrate with third-party plugins like FacetWP and WP Grid Builder for added filtering capabilities

The Breakdance Search Form element is designed to integrate with popular third-party plugins, specifically FacetWP and WP Grid Builder. This integration provides users with enriched filtering capabilities, ensuring that they can access more refined and precise search results.

Accessibility Improvements for the Search Form

We believe in creating a web that’s accessible to all. To this end, we’ve addressed and fixed the A11Y issues related to the Search Form, ensuring no duplicate IDs and adding missing a aria-label. This not only enhances the user experience for those using screen readers but also makes it easier to ensure your website is compliant with accessibility standards.

New “WP_Query Found Posts Count” Condition

Ever wanted to display a custom message when no posts match the search criteria? Now you can. With the addition of the WP_Query Found Posts Count condition in the Element Display Conditions, you can set up your website to show a specific message or element if no posts are found. This feature is especially useful for sites with dynamic content, ensuring users always have context, even when their search yields no results.

Duplicate & Active Toggles for Templates, Headers, Footers, & Popups

Creating templates for your website’s headers, footers, popups, and global blocks has never been easier. With the new Duplicate and Active Toggle features, you can clone your templates in a snap and easily switch between them.

Beta Support for PHP 8.2

We’re excited to introduce beta support for PHP 8.2. Although WordPress is still in the beta phase for this PHP version, we’re gearing up to offer full support as soon as WordPress is on board. If you encounter any Breakdance-related issues with PHP 8.2, please let us know.

Enhancing Client Mode

We’ve refined Client Mode in Breakdance 1.6.

We’ve fixed an issue where editors could choose to edit a Breakdance post with the default editor.

We’ve also granted access for editors to manage Breakdance form submissions – even if they don’t have access to Breakdance itself.

Editors will now have a more streamlined experience, ensuring they can’t tamper with your design while still having the access they need.

Enhanced Error Dialogs

Building a website can sometimes be met with unforeseen errors. It could be a wonky plugin, a hosting hiccup, or just some tech gremlins messing around.

With Breakdance 1.6, we’re stepping it up with a snazzier error dialog. It gives you the nitty-gritty details. The best part? If you’re scratching your head, there’s now a one-click button to whip up an email to your hosting provider or support peeps.

So, no more tech-induced headaches. We’ve got your back, helping you sort out those pesky issues in no time.

Complete Changelog

New Features

  • Duplicate & Active Toggle for Templates (and Headers, Footers, Popups, & Global Blocks)
  • Search Form – support custom post types, ensure integration with Woo filters, FacetWP, WP Grid Builder, and any search results page in WordPress

Other Polish & Fixes

  • Popups – Improve Hashlink Autoclose Behavior
  • Popups – Pause Videos On Close
  • Popups – Add Open/Close Action API
  • Client Mode Polish
  • Various PHP 8.x Fixes
  • Template Previewable Items: Improve Logic
  • Nothing to Preview Notice – remove misleading colors
  • Better error dialog
  • Maintenance Mode – Correctly Set 503 Header
  • Make Global Settings > Advanced > Body Font Family Apply Correctly In Media Queries
  • Global Colors: use uuid in CSS variable names
  • Caching: call clean_post_cache after saving
  • Code Block: PHP & HTML Label
  • Template Settings: Fix Typo
  • Template Settings: Fix IO-TS Error(s)
  • Dropdowns: add 100vh max height
  • Fix Clipboard Console Error
  • Link Input – Support string URLs
  • Class Input – Enter to Add Class

Element Enhancements

  • Gallery: add option to disable srcset & sizes for thumbnails
  • Mini Cart – Options to Hide Subtotal / Qty When Empty
  • Lightbox: show close button on mobile
  • Mini Cart: fix default text-align
  • Pricing Table: customize HTML tag for title
  • Simple Counter: customize title & number HTML tags
  • Div, Grid, Wrapper Link: improve background responsive behavior
  • Text Button Custom Icon Arrows – correct default styles
  • Progress Bar: support dynamic progress percentage
  • Video: remove overflow: hidden
  • Text Colors control sections for container-type elements: deprecate
  • Menu Dropdown – Add missing link options
  • Menu Builder – Disable Scrolling The Page When in Offcanvas / Fullscreen Mode
  • Menu Builder – Typography hover effect not applying to dropdown arrow
  • Menu Builder – On Mobile, Menu Stays Open When Parent Sticky Header Is Hidden: tested, solved
  • Menu Builder – Touch Action Prevents Scrolling
  • Menu Builder – Menu Dropdown – Missing Options For Opening in New Tab, Etc: solved
  • Menu Builder – Safari – this.getAllToggle().at is not a function
  • Loop Builder compatibility – Use unique slugs for IDs
  • Star Rating – Support for Never Vertical At Option
August 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.5

Breakdance 1.5 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.5.

New Features

  • Post Loop Builder: Support Interspersing Multiple Global Blocks To Vary The Design
  • CSS Input – autofill with .breakdance .bde-rich-text-61780-102-50535-61780-1
  • Dynamic Data “God Mode”

Polish, Fixes, and Enhancements

Read the 1.5 beta blog post for a more detailed list of polish, fixes, and other enhancements.

new version

Breakdance 1.5 Beta 1

Breakdance 1.5 beta 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.5 beta 1.

New Features

  • Post Loop Builder: Support Interspersing Multiple Global Blocks To Vary The Design
  • CSS Input – autofill with .breakdance .bde-rich-text-61780-102-48446-61780-1
  • Dynamic Data “God Mode”

Polish, Fixes, and Enhancements

  • add “_breakdance_doing_ajax=yes” to URL of all ajax requests
  • fix ACF fields associated with posts inside loops on taxonomy archives
  • HTML IMG element – support dynamic data
  • Lightboxes – use correct image size
  • add WP_Error check when calling get_the_term_list
  • custom breakpoints – prevent problem when unsetting width value
  • forms – fix php closing tag output in admin panel for user agent value
  • licensing tweaks
  • fix class “Breakdance\Licensing\stdClass” not found on certain environments
  • menu builder – improve behavior inside design library iframe
  • menu builder – polish
  • menu builder – clean up duplicated media queries
  • menu builder – fix hide by breakpoint option for menu button element
  • copy-paste: prevent pasting until all builder elements are loaded
  • fix query builder conditions when using infinite scroll / load more pagination
  • fix typography presets behavior in certain woocommerce elements
  • prevent problems with custom link actions being left empty
  • table of contents element – fix behavior when headings are inside divs with “position: relative” css
  • table of contents element – fix behavior inside iframes if heading contains child element
  • table of contents element – updated anchor format from #heading-toc-2 to #actual-heading-content
  • table of contents element – use nav tag instead of div
  • table of contents element – add aria-label for a11y
  • search form – fix search button icon disappearing for certain button sizes on mobile safari
  • posts list pagination styles – generally improve styles and mobile behavior
  • accordion element – make title input bigger
  • woocommerce filter products by rating – fix typo in CSS variable name for star size
  • fix in-builder JavaScript warnings from Swiper sliders when SSRing
  • remove beta label from meta query (it wasn’t in beta, the label shouldn’t have been there)
  • remove beta label from tooltip element (it wasn’t in beta, the label shouldn’t have been there)
new version

Breakdance 1.4.1

Breakdance 1.4.1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4.1.


  • Popup Builder – revert using the “template” tag approach to load popups
  • Note: a one-line change was made from 1.4.1 RC2 to the final release to fix entrance/exit animations on popups
new version

Breakdance 1.4.1 RC 2

Breakdance 1.4.1 RC 2 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4.1 RC 2.


  • Popup Builder – revert using the “template” tag approach to load popups
July 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.4.1 RC 1

Breakdance 1.4.1 RC 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4.1 RC 1.


  • Popup Builder – fix some regressions that occurred in Breakdance 1.4 related to animations and using Popup Builder with a theme
new version

Breakdance 1.4 Is Now Available

Breakdance 1.4 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4.

What’s New

  • Grid element
  • HTML Attributes now support dynamic data
  • Lots of polish & fixes – read the individual beta blog posts for more details

new version

Breakdance 1.4 RC 1

Breakdance 1.4 RC 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4 RC 1.

To see what’s coming to Breakdance 1.4, read the initial announcement.

Polish, Fixes, and Enhancements

  • Menu Builder – fix desktop styles leaking onto mobile (regression introduced in 1.4 beta)
  • Menu Builder – fix hover effects affecting button elements (regression introduced in 1.4 beta)
June 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.4 Beta 3

Breakdance 1.4 Beta 3 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4 Beta 2.

To see what’s coming to Breakdance 1.4, read the initial announcement.

Polish, Fixes, and Enhancements

  • Popups: reset wrapper and element properties on close to fix inability to toggle a popup
  • Menu Builder – fix active text color on custom breakpoints
  • Gallery, Posts List, Products List, Post Loop Builder – various fixes related to sliders and vertical filter bar
new version

Breakdance 1.4 Beta 2

Breakdance 1.4 Beta 2 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4 Beta 2.

To see what’s coming to Breakdance 1.4, read the initial announcement.

New Features

  • Use Dynamic Data in HTML Attributes

Other Polish, Fixes, and Enhancements

  • Menu Builder – active link styles and styling controls
  • Section – fix content displaying beneath background slider
  • Section – using slideshow as background breaks children sliders
  • Menu Builder – fix showing mobile menu on desktop regression introduced in 1.4 beta 1
  • Popups – fix link actions and lightboxes regression introduced in 1.4 beta 1
  • Mini Cart – add attributes to link settings for A11Y
  • Background Gradients – fix gradients that stopped working if created in 1.2 using the old gradient input that was removed in 1.3
  • Fix has taxonomy condition only applying to a single taxonomy
  • Fix slide right animation regression introduced in 1.4 beta 1
  • Fix gallery element in slider mode regression introduced in 1.4 beta 1
new version

Breakdance 1.4 Beta 1

Breakdance 1.4 Beta 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.4 Beta 1.

New Features

  • Grid Element

Other Polish, Fixes, and Enhancements

  • Element Studio – Make `Enable Media Queries` Backwards Compatible When Making Controls Support Breakpoints
  • Entrance Animations: Add distance control and improve performance
  • Rich Text: open modal on double click
  • Popups: Render popup content and scripts as templates – add content to DOM on open, remove on close
  • Dynamic Data: add WooCommerce category image
  • Menu Builder: address unexpected (but correct) when top-level links are hashtags
  • Gallery element: significant polish and bug fixes
  • Swiper: add direction setting to swiper instance settings
  • Swiper: fix nested swiper instances
  • Section: make gradient animation work with vertical gradients
  • Backgrounds: correct behavior when multiple layers are present
  • Icon List: enhance responsive controls
  • Menu Builder: enhance responsive controls
  • Posts List / Post Loop Builder: make posts equal height by default
new version

Breakdance 1.3.1

Breakdance 1.3.1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.3.1.


  • Advanced Custom Fields – fix regression in Breakdance 1.3 by reverting a change made to the ACF getValue method that treats archive pages differently
May 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.3 Is Now Available

Breakdance 1.3 is a huge release that includes many highly-requested features, as well as a large number polishing items, tweaks, and small enhancements.

Login to the customer portal to download it, or read on to find out what’s new in this release.

WooCommerce Custom Product Loops

Create custom product loops using the Custom Area option added to the Products List, Shop Page, and other similar elements. This unlocks unlimited possibilities for custom product loops, allowing you to completely customize the layout of your lists of WooCommerce products.

Vertical Menus & Vertical Mega Menus

Build sidebar menus, footer menus, and more with Breakdance's new vertical layout option for the WP Menu and Menu Builder elements.

Accessibility Enhancements

Many of our elements received accessibility tweaks, including our WP Menu and Menu Builder elements which received an extensive accessibility-focused overhaul, making them easier to use for screen reader and keyboard users.

Isotope Filtering

Enable beautiful Isotope filtering for any post loop element in one click. Filter by categories, tags, product attributes, custom taxonomies, and more.

Query Builder Meta Queries

Now you can perform advanced meta queries using Breakdance's query builder, no code required. Single level meta queries & complex, nested meta queries are all possible in just a few clicks.

WooCommerce Conditions

We've added a number of powerful WooCommerce-specific conditions such as Stock Status, Stock Quantity, On Sale, Cart Quantity, Cart Value, Customer Order Count, Customer Total Spend, and many more. Some can be used in the Query Builder, and some can be used to show or hide elements.

Native SVG Uploads

Now you can enable SVG uploads via Breakdance's settings. Advanced users no longer need to install third-party plugins just to allow you to use SVG assets on your Breakdance site.

Advanced Accordion Element

Build fully custom accordion layouts with the new Advanced Accordion element. Add other elements inside the Advanced Accordion for highly specialized layouts & better user engagement.

Global Gradients

Create a palette of gradients in your Global Settings and then reuse them everywhere in your design in one click. Changing a Global Gradient will change the gradient everywhere it's been used, saving you hours of editing time.

WooCommerce Variation Swatch Integrations

Breakdance 1.3 adds native integrations and built-in styling options for the plugins "Variation Swatches for WooCommerce" and "Variation Swatches for WooCommerce by CartFlows."

Tooltip Element

Add Tooltips to anything in Breakdance with the Tooltip element. This element acts as a container, allowing you to insert any Breakdance element inside of it. On the front-end, your custom tooltip will be shown when anything inside the Tooltip element is hovered.

FacetWP Integration

Add the FacetWP Facet element to enable powerful, visual filtering for any post loop element in Breakdance.

GridbuilderWP Integration

Add the GridbuilderWP Facet element to enable powerful, visual filtering for any post loop element in Breakdance.

Query Builder Sort By ACF / Meta Box

Sort your post loops by ACF or Meta Box field values using Breakdance 1.3 and the visual query builder.

File Upload Field

Breakdance's already powerful native Form Builder now includes a File Upload field.

ACF Group Field Support

Breakdance now fully supports Advanced Custom Fields' Group Field type. Organize your fields beautifully while rendering their contents in Breakdance.

Meta Box Settings Page Support

Breakdance also now includes full support for Meta Box Settings Pages. Give clients the ultimate experience with Meta Box and Breakdance.

That’s not all. We also made a ton of small enhancements to existing features & functionalities.

Front-end scripts now deferred
Bottom position for Header Builder
Section Width placement for Menu Builder dropdowns
Style active state for Menu Builder links
Accessibility improvements for FAQ, Form Builder, Search Form, Tabs, Mini Cart, and more
Improved onboarding flow
Front Page template location
80+ other tweaks, enhancements, and fixes

For more details on additional changes and enhancements, consult the alpha & beta blog posts or consult the bug tracker for additional details.

new version

Breakdance 1.3 RC 1

Breakdance 1.3 RC 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.3 RC 1.

For an overview of new features coming to 1.3, read the original blog post announcing 1.3.


  • form builder – prevent file upload field from overflowing viewport in some cases
  • menu builder – dropdown polish
  • checkout builder – fix missing element error for default child
  • animated heading – fix animation duration not working when set

The above is a mostly complete list of fixes and tweaks in 1.3 RC 1. Please consult the bug tracker for additional details.

new version

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 4

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 4 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.3 beta 4.

For an overview of new features coming to 1.3, read the original blog post announcing 1.3.


  • Automatically clear CSS cache
  • Link Actions – fix regression introduced in 1.3 Beta 3
  • Posts List – fix regression that broke design options when displaying list as a slider

The above is a mostly complete list of fixes and tweaks in 1.3 Beta 4. Please consult the bug tracker for additional details.

new version

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 3

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 3 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.3 beta 3.

For an overview of new features coming to 1.3, read the original blog post announcing 1.3.


  • Buttons / Links A11y / Attributes – add “Advanced” popout to set attributes like aria-label
  • Buttons / Links – allow setting of HTML ID
  • Comments i18n – make strings translate automatically
  • Header Builder – hide open menu dropdowns if Header Builder is set to hide after scrolling
  • Icon List – remove default lorem ipsum text
  • Advanced Tabs – fix vertical mode not working in builder
  • Menu Builder – A11Y polish
  • Posts List / Advanced Accordion – fix compatibility
  • Variation Swatch Integrations – support long labels

The above is a mostly complete list of fixes and tweaks in 1.3 Beta 3. Please consult the bug tracker for additional details.

new version

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 2

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 2 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.3 beta 2.

For an overview of new features coming to 1.3, read the original blog post announcing 1.3.


  • fix licensing errors for “Free Year For Oxygen Users” in Breakdance 1.3 Beta 1
  • don’t disable update_post_metadata_cache on save – this will result in increased memory usage, but prevent various bugs with SEO plugins that rely on this hook
  • form builder – fix min/max attributes on date fields
  • breakpoints – improve editing custom breakpoints
  • popups – fix has taxonomy condition
  • query builder – better handling of empty ACF relationship fields
  • privacy – only send “delete cookies” cookies once
  • columns – fix background image responsive size
  • gradient picker – fix crashes, general polish
  • hide by breakpoint – fix invalid CSS
  • metabox – fix various PHP/IO-TS errors in Breakdance when fields are added to a non-existent settings page in Metabox, or no settings pages are selected in the UI
  • safari compat – prevent crash due to unsupported regexp syntax
  • dynamic data – fix ACF Image, Gallery and Repeater fields not working when they are a child of an ACF Group Field
  • conditions – remove unnecessary requirement for global product in purchased product condition
  • add polyfill for php8.1 array_is_list function
  • facet plugin integrations – show facet controls for Shop Page element
  • make Advanced Accordion Work In Posts Loop
  • Login Form – fix “Remember me” toggle hiding “Forgot Password”
  • Video – add playsinline attribute to all videos
  • Video – force lightweight vimeo to have a text align of left to prevent video and thumbnail being positioned out of viewport when inheriting text-align from container
  • Products List – fix vertical Filter Bar
  • Tooltip element – polish
  • Global Gradients – polish
  • Posts List – disable pagination if Isotope is enabled
  • Menu – bottom position polish
  • Swiper – fix backwards compatibility for Space Between Items changes
  • Countdown Timer – fix crash on save when divider is used
  • FAQ – don’t show error message when changing title tag
  • Product Loop Builder – support sliders inside
  • Variation swatch integrations polish
  • Facets – fix facets not working with Products List element

The above is a mostly complete list of fixes and tweaks in 1.3 Beta 2. Some fixes are for bugs present in 1.2, and some are for regressions only present in 1.3 Beta 1. Please consult the bug tracker for details.

April 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 1

Breakdance 1.3 Beta 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.3 beta 1.

For an overview of new features coming to 1.3, read the original blog post announcing 1.3.


  • Design Library – Better Design For Import Complete Websites Screen
  • Fix missing icons on some environments
  • Feature – add text underline offset to typography controls
  • RankMath – fix error when saving and having PRO + sitemaps enabled
  • Feature – add “In Term” and “Taxonomy” options to Adjacent Posts element
  • Automatically Load GSAP from CDN
  • Revert changes related to getting image sizes from the WP media library on the fly
  • Dynamic Data – Include videoId with oembed data
  • WooCommerce Cart – mobile divider styles
  • WooCommerce – allow CSS variables in icon colors to support global colors
  • WooCommerce – out of stock styles
  • WooCommerce – quantity input polish
  • Backgrounds – fixes related to gradient animations
  • Background – fixes related to layering multiple backgrounds
  • Mini Cart – A11Y – improve keyboard focus
  • Circle Counter Element – better handling of CSS variables to support Breakdance global colors
  • Header Builder – don’t show background in builder when creating a footer using Header Builder
  • Section Width – support percentage widths properly
  • Icons – fix border hover color
  • Lightbox – replace pointerup with click event when triggering lightbox
  • Fancy Container – fixes related to hover styles
  • Animated Heading – polish
  • Repeater – add missing default CSS
  • Various Swiper fixes
  • Various polishing items related to the new filtering / facets / isotype functoinality
  • Advanced Accordion – fix icon disappearing on mobile
  • Accordions / FAQ – fix title color on mobile devices
  • Global Styles – fix some invalid CSS
  • Wrapper Link – fix lightboxes
  • Sections – shape divider fixes
  • Design Library – improve workflow with “Open in Breakdance” button after import
  • Conditions – check if rule value is undefined or an empty string/array instead of just falsy as some falsy values are allowed
  • WooCommerce – Refactor hardcoded color variables
  • Dynamic Data – Support attachment IDs in user image values
  • Form Submissions – Fix grouping for display and export
  • Form Submissions – handle array values in CSV export
  • Element Studio – add option to disable live preview for macros
  • Allow zero “0” as HTML attribute values
  • Allow ‘:’ in the middle of HTML attributes
  • Element Studio – disallow deleting the built-in elements
  • Rich Text – prevent links from being opened in the preview
  • UI – add newbie guide video
  • Dynamic Data – Video and Image URLs and Upload Fields polish
  • Check that get_terms returns a value and not an error
  • Allow “Breakdance Free” license keys to be used.
  • Use Wp_Query instead of the deprecated “get_page_by_title”
  • Fix day of week condition and make dates code consistent
  • Clean multisite cache correctly
  • Fix “post type is” condition
  • Exception thrown by SplObjectInfo::getType() wasn’t handled properly
  • Fix Twig cache directory for multiple WP installations on a same server
  • Dynamic Data – Sub field fixes
  • Cache Busting – revert query param renaming
  • Regenerate CSS Cache On Plugins Activation
  • Always run font replace for “replace url” tool
  • Improve cache busting

The above is a mostly complete list of fixes and tweaks in 1.3 Beta 1. Some fixes are for bugs present in 1.2, and some are for regressions only present in 1.3 Alpha 1. Please consult the bug tracker for details.

March 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.3 Alpha 1 Is Now Available

Breakdance 1.3 is a huge release that includes many highly-requested features, as well as a large number polishing items, tweaks, and small enhancements. Here are a few of the most prominent changes and features coming to Breakdance 1.3.

All the below features are available now in Breakdance 1.3 alpha 1. Login to the customer portal to download it, or read on to find out what’s new in this release.

WooCommerce Custom Product Loops

Create custom product loops using the Custom Area option added to the Products List, Shop Page, and other similar elements. This unlocks unlimited possibilities for custom product loops, allowing you to completely customize the layout of your lists of WooCommerce products.

Vertical Menus & Vertical Mega Menus

Build sidebar menus, footer menus, and more with Breakdance's new vertical layout option for the WP Menu and Menu Builder elements.

Accessibility Enhancements

Many of our elements received accessibility tweaks, including our WP Menu and Menu Builder elements which received an extensive accessibility-focused overhaul, making them easier to use for screen reader and keyboard users.

Isotope Filtering

Enable beautiful Isotope filtering for any post loop element in one click. Filter by categories, tags, product attributes, custom taxonomies, and more.

Query Builder Meta Queries

Now you can perform advanced meta queries using Breakdance's query builder, no code required. Single level meta queries & complex, nested meta queries are all possible in just a few clicks.

WooCommerce Conditions

We've added a number of powerful WooCommerce-specific conditions such as Stock Status, Stock Quantity, On Sale, Cart Quantity, Cart Value, Customer Order Count, Customer Total Spend, and many more. Some can be used in the Query Builder, and some can be used to show or hide elements.

Native SVG Uploads

Now you can enable SVG uploads via Breakdance's settings. Advanced users no longer need to install third-party plugins just to allow you to use SVG assets on your Breakdance site.

Advanced Accordion Element

Build fully custom accordion layouts with the new Advanced Accordion element. Add other elements inside the Advanced Accordion for highly specialized layouts & better user engagement.

Global Gradients

Create a palette of gradients in your Global Settings and then reuse them everywhere in your design in one click. Changing a Global Gradient will change the gradient everywhere it's been used, saving you hours of editing time.

WooCommerce Variation Swatch Integrations

Breakdance 1.3 adds native integrations and built-in styling options for the plugins "Variation Swatches for WooCommerce" and "Variation Swatches for WooCommerce by CartFlows."

Tooltip Element

Add Tooltips to anything in Breakdance with the Tooltip element. This element acts as a container, allowing you to insert any Breakdance element inside of it. On the front-end, your custom tooltip will be shown when anything inside the Tooltip element is hovered.

FacetWP Integration

Add the FacetWP Facet element to enable powerful, visual filtering for any post loop element in Breakdance.

GridbuilderWP Integration

Add the GridbuilderWP Facet element to enable powerful, visual filtering for any post loop element in Breakdance.

Query Builder Sort By ACF / Meta Box

Sort your post loops by ACF or Meta Box field values using Breakdance 1.3 and the visual query builder.

File Upload Field

Breakdance's already powerful native Form Builder now includes a File Upload field.

ACF Group Field Support

Breakdance now fully supports Advanced Custom Fields' Group Field type. Organize your fields beautifully while rendering their contents in Breakdance.

Meta Box Settings Page Support

Breakdance also now includes full support for Meta Box Settings Pages. Give clients the ultimate experience with Meta Box and Breakdance.

That’s not all. We also made a ton of small enhancements to existing features & functionalities.

Front-end scripts now deferred
Bottom position for Header Builder
Section Width placement for Menu Builder dropdowns
Style active state for Menu Builder links
Accessibility improvements for FAQ, Form Builder, Search Form, Tabs, Mini Cart, and more
Improved onboarding flow
Front Page template location
80+ other tweaks, enhancements, and fixes


February 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.2.1

Breakdance 1.2.1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.2.1.


  • Design Library – Better Design For Import Complete Websites Screen
January 2023
new version

Breakdance 1.2.1 Beta 1

Breakdance 1.2.1 Beta 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.2.1 beta 1.


  • Design Library – Better Design For Import Complete Websites Screen
new version

Breakdance 1.2

Breakdance 1.2 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.2.

General Features

  • Design Library – Complete Website Templates
  • Query Builder – Add Advanced Custom Fields Relationship Support

Dynamic Data Polish & Fixes

  • Repeaters – add conditions for is empty / is not empty
  • ACF – support using email field in links
  • Add ability to truncate / limit characters for all string fields
  • Added ACF Post Featured Image field, so you can access the featured image from the post selected in an ACF Post Object field
  • Fix is empty / is not empty condition for non-string fields such as video
  • Conditions – add current month condition
  • Fix missing ACF fields when editing template dynamic data condition
  • Various Google Map fixes
  • Basic List – add dynamic data support

Other Fixes & Polish

  • Reduce memory usage
  • Fixed Swiper JS Errors In Builder
  • Fixed Slider Link Action Not Working For Looped Sliders
  • Make Gallery Slider inside Global Block work inside Loop Builder
  • Product Builder – better grouped product styles
  • Fix – Allow Advanced Tabs To Be Nested
  • Add HTML Tag Choice to Post List elements
  • WooCo Cart – Make Variations Table Look Better
  • Columns – Set Column Count Correctly When 50% Width Is Set
  • Content Toggle – fix invalid CSS for active style
  • Form Builder – input widths break in multi-step forms
  • Form Builder – enable breakpoints for form width
  • Simple Counter – JS Error When Dragging In Builder
  • Fix Pagination Styles When Space Between Isn’t Set
  • Pricing Table – allow not having a title
  • Dual Heading – fix JS errors in builder
  • Scroll Progress – fix scroll tracking at very top of page
  • Comments List – add appropriate WordPress default classes
  • Cart Cross Sells – fix inability to enable / disable certain elements
  • Gradient Picker – allow numeric input for rotation
  • Make Scroll Animations Work In Tabs
  • Menu Builder – fix inability to horizontally center links in dropdowns on mobile devices
  • Text & Rich Text – fix default text color
  • Shape Dividers – fix divider being flipped upside down when flipping horizontally
  • Update refresh nonce to be sent in response headers instead of response body
  • Rich Text – fix spacing issues on “view” mode when saving the HTML without stripping line breaks
  • Rich Text – allow the target, rel, and title attributes to be optionally removed on the “HTML” mode

The above is a mostly complete list of fixes and tweaks in 1.2. For additional details, please consult the bug tracker.

December 2022
new version

Breakdance 1.2 RC 1

Breakdance 1.2 RC 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download the RC.


  • Fix Design Library – This Website Not Showing Sub-Pages
  • Fix “Critical Error” Message That Appeared For Some Design Sets
  • Fix Full Website Import For Some Design Sets
new version

Breakdance 1.2 Beta 2

Breakdance 1.2 beta 2 is now available, which fixes two bugs introduced in beta 1.

Login to the customer portal to download the beta.


  • Fix Menu Builder Dropdown Link Layout Bug Introduced in Breakdance 1.2 Beta 1
  • Fix Conditions Always Returning True Bug Introduced in Breakdance 1.2 Beta 1
new version

Breakdance 1.2 Beta 1

Breakdance 1.2 beta 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download the beta.

General Features

  • Design Library – Complete Website Templates
  • Query Builder – Add Advanced Custom Fields Relationship Support

Dynamic Data Polish & Fixes

  • Repeaters – add conditions for is empty / is not empty
  • ACF – support using email field in links
  • Add ability to truncate / limit characters for all string fields
  • Added ACF Post Featured Image field, so you can access the featured image from the post selected in an ACF Post Object field
  • Fix is empty / is not empty condition for non-string fields such as video
  • Conditions – add current month condition
  • Fix missing ACF fields when editing template dynamic data condition
  • Various Google Map fixes
  • Basic List – add dynamic data support

Other Fixes & Polish

  • Reduce memory usage
  • Fixed Swiper JS Errors In Builder
  • Fixed Slider Link Action Not Working For Looped Sliders
  • Make Gallery Slider inside Global Block work inside Loop Builder
  • Product Builder – better grouped product styles
  • Fix – Allow Advanced Tabs To Be Nested
  • Add HTML Tag Choice to Post List elements
  • WooCo Cart – Make Variations Table Look Better
  • Columns – Set Column Count Correctly When 50% Width Is Set
  • Content Toggle – fix invalid CSS for active style
  • Form Builder – input widths break in multi-step forms
  • Form Builder – enable breakpoints for form width
  • Simple Counter – JS Error When Dragging In Builder
  • Fix Pagination Styles When Space Between Isn’t Set
  • Pricing Table – allow not having a title
  • Dual Heading – fix JS errors in builder
  • Scroll Progress – fix scroll tracking at very top of page
  • Comments List – add appropriate WordPress default classes
  • Cart Cross Sells – fix inability to enable / disable certain elements
  • Gradient Picker – allow numeric input for rotation
  • Make Scroll Animations Work In Tabs
  • Menu Builder – fix inability to horizontally center links in dropdowns on mobile devices
  • Text & Rich Text – fix default text color
  • Shape Dividers – fix divider being flipped upside down when flipping horizontally
  • Update refresh nonce to be sent in response headers instead of response body
  • Rich Text – fix spacing issues on “view” mode when saving the HTML without stripping line breaks
  • Rich Text – allow the target, rel, and title attributes to be optionally removed on the “HTML” mode

Breakdance 1.2 will also include other bug fixes and polishing enhancements. Please consult the bug tracker for details.

November 2022
new version

Breakdance 1.1

Breakdance 1.1 is now available with a ton of new features.

Login to the customer portal to download Breakdance 1.1.

General Features

  • Repeater Field Support for Advanced Custom Fields & Metabox
  • Multi-Step Forms with Form Builder
  • Draft Sections
  • Structure Panel Friendly Names

WooCommerce Features

  • Granular elements for WooCommerce Checkout
  • Granular elements for WooCommerce Cart
  • Enhanced Quantity Inputs Design
  • Quantity Inputs in Mini Cart
  • Optional Quantity Inputs in Products List
  • Products Lists as Sliders
  • Editable Areas for the Mini Cart

New Elements

  • SEO Breadcrumb for Yoast or RankMath
  • Content Toggle
  • Back To Top
  • Scroll Progress
  • Instagram Embed
  • Table Of Contents
  • Fancy Container
  • We now have 127 built-in elements!

Other New Features & Enhancements

  • Tabs elements – vertical mode
  • HTML Mode for Rich Text Editor
  • Additional Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Right Click Menu – Paste Settings
  • Refresh Button for Elements That Render On The Server
  • Slider Link Actions – Support Next Slide / Previous Slide
  • Plugin Template Compatibility for The Events Calendar and many other plugins
  • Video element polish, including a YouTube facade for much better load time performance when embedding YouTube videos

Bug Fixes

Breakdance 1.1 includes numerous bug fixes and polishing enhancements. Please consult the bug tracker and beta & RC blog posts for details.

Backwards Compatibility

Breakdance 1.1 is generally backwards compatible with 1.0, but there are some things to note.

  • Custom queries are now allowed on archive pages. In 1.0, if you set a custom query on archive page, you’d still get the default posts.
  • We made significant changes to the Video element for performance reasons – especially when embedding YouTube videos. 
  • We made various cosmetic tweaks to WooCommerce.
  • The WooCommerce Mini Cart now shows a Quantity Input field by default. If you don’t want this, you can disable it in the element’s settings.
  • The Posts List element now uses the article HTML tag by default.
new version

Breakdance 1.1 RC 1

Breakdance 1.1 RC 1 is now available.

Login to the customer portal to download the RC.

Below is a mostly complete list of fixes and polish implemented between 1.1 beta 2 and 1.1 RC 1. Please consult the bug tracker for more details after 1.1 final is shipped.


Fixes, Polish & Enhancements

  • Archives – allow custom queries on archive pages
  • Tabs – polish to 1.1 control enhancements
  • Section – fix Play On Mobile option for video backgrounds
  • Section – remove iframe border on video backgrounds
  • Section – fix Shape Divider set to bottom position flips vertically when setting the width on breakpoints
  • Forms – polish to stepper and 1.1 enhancements
  • New Elements – correct text alignment
  • Posts List / Post Loop Builder – better default behavior for card height
  • Scroll Progress – polish
  • Table Of Contents – polish
  • Mini Cart – prevent page scrolling on mobile devices when mini cart is open
new version

Breakdance 1.1 Beta 2

Breakdance 1.1 Beta 2 is now available. We plan to ship Breakdance 1.1 final in late November.

Login to the customer portal to download the beta.

Below is a mostly complete list of fixes and polish implemented between 1.1 beta 1 and 1.1 beta 2. Please consult the bug tracker for more details after 1.1 final is shipped.

Fixes, Polish & Enhancements

  • Maintenance Mode – fix
  • Global Settings Import – fix
  • Image – add aspect-ratio and object-fit
  • Mobile Menu – prevent top-level dropdown links with hash from closing the submenu
  • Popups – fix closed popups conflicting with other elements
  • Dual Heading – animate annotation on scroll
  • Products List – better support for custom queries
  • Login & Register Form – add WP hooks to Login & Register form elements, fix auto-login, enhance compatibility
  • ACF Repeaters – add support for ACF repeaters on ACF options pages
  • Privacy – add option to disable conditions that rely on tracking cookies to Breakdance > Settings > Privacy
  • Column – add Min Height control
  • Rich Text – automatically prettify HTML
  • Dynamic Data – page-specific ACF field groups weren’t appearing
  • Dynamic Data – make WooCo product price show a price range for variable products
  • Dynamic Data – make all fields available for headers, footers, and popups
  • Dynamic Data – allow setting link URL dynamically to WooCo Product Image
  • Form Builder – add developer hooks to affect frontend HTML output
  • Form Builder – improve consistency of input heights
  • Form Builder – fix message display in horizontal forms
  • Form Builder – fix fields with no labels not able to be inserted in Action fields
  • Form Builder – show hidden input values when viewing a form submission
  • Form Builder – fix old errors not being removed on submission
  • Form Builder – fix inability to customize field width with a multi-step form
  • Gallery – display captions set in WP media library if available
  • Woo – Related / Upsell / Cross-Sells – add slider layout option
  • Gallery – add responsive control for gap
  • Popups – make translate X/Y responsive
  • Sticky Animations – make offset responsive
  • Popup Link Actions – show all popups, not just the first 5
  • WooCommerce – various cosmetic tweaks
  • WooCommerce Quantity Inputs – general polish & fixes
  • Table Of Contents element – polish & fixes
  • Content Toggle – polish & fixes
  • Gallery – fix “Multiple” Gallery inside Advanced Tabs breaks when switching between galleries
  • WooCommerce Granular Cart elements – polish & fixes
  • SSR Element Refresh Button – fix styles not updating if HTML hasn’t changed
  • Templating Conditions – make breakpoints condition only appear for popups
  • Posts List – use article HTML tag
  • Change Mini-Cart Heading tag to H6
  • Lightbox – prevent slide duplication when clicking links
  • Product Builder – JS errors in builder when activating tabs
  • Post Loop Builder – fix gradient image overlays in global blocks not appearing
  • Scrolling Image element – fix image not appearing on frontend
  • Sections – fix auto-pausing of video background when out of view
  • Mini Cart – fix invalid HTML
  • Posts List – fix invalid HTML
  • Fix “array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, bool given” error that appeared in rare circumstances when saving
  • Fix memory leak when using sticky animations
  • Nonces / AJAX – auto-extend nonce lifetime
  • Nonces / AJAX – fix some AJAX requests broken by addition of nonces in 1.1 beta 1
  • Element Studio – support multiple conditions for a control
October 2022
new version

Breakdance 1.1 Beta 1

Breakdance 1.1 Beta 1 is now available with a ton of new features. We plan to ship Breakdance 1.1 final in late November.

Login to the customer portal to download the beta.

General Features

  • Repeater Field Support for Advanced Custom Fields & Metabox
  • Multi-Step Forms with Form Builder
  • Draft Sections
  • Structure Panel Friendly Names

WooCommerce Features

  • Granular elements for WooCommerce Checkout
  • Granular elements for WooCommerce Cart
  • Enhanced Quantity Inputs Design
  • Quantity Inputs in Mini Cart
  • Optional Quantity Inputs in Products List
  • Products Lists as Sliders
  • Editable Areas for the Mini Cart

New Elements

  • SEO Breadcrumb for Yoast or RankMath
  • Content Toggle
  • Back To Top
  • Scroll Progress
  • Instagram Embed
  • Table Of Contents
  • Fancy Container
  • We now have 127 built-in elements!

Other New Features & Enhancements

  • Tabs elements – vertical mode
  • HTML Mode for Rich Text Editor
  • Additional Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Right Click Menu – Paste Settings
  • Refresh Button for Elements That Render On The Server
  • Slider Link Actions – Support Next Slide / Previous Slide
  • Plugin Template Compatibility for The Events Calendar and many other plugins
  • Video element polish, including a YouTube facade for much better load time performance when embedding YouTube videos

Bug Fixes

Breakdance 1.1 Beta 1 includes numerous bug fixes. We will provide a complete changelog with the release of Breakdance 1.1 final, and during the beta period we will update the issues on the bug tracker to indicate which issues are addressed in Breakdance 1.1.

new version

Breakdance 1.0.3

Breakdance 1.0.3 is now available.


  • Fix “this link has expired” warning introduced in 1.0.2 that appears when trying to save certain settings
new version

Breakdance 1.0.2

Breakdance 1.0.2 is now available.

We plan to offer time-limited free trials of Breakdance very soon. To facilitate this, we made it so that Breakdance will run in “trial” mode until a license key is entered. If no key is entered, Breakdance will stop working after 30 days.

If you see a message saying your trial is expiring or is expired, go to the Breakdance > Settings > License screen in the WP admin and enter your license key. If your license key is already present, simply going to the screen will be enough to take Breakdance out of “trial” mode.

If you don’t want your license key to be present on the site, you can remove it after you enter it.

Breakdance will know that the license was there previously, and will not go back to “trial” mode even after the license key is removed.


  • Add ability to distribute free trials of Breakdance
September 2022
new version

Breakdance 1.0.1

Breakdance 1.0.1 is now available.

There were no changes from the release candidate to the final release.


  • Remove beta warning from Breakdance > Home
  • Fix support for “0” as HTML attribute values
  • Fix – CSS minification in custom CSS calc units when “+” was present
  • Fix – RankMath causing attachments with dynamic data to error
  • Fix – Dynamic Data IO-TS error – caused by a translation plugin not setting the taxonomy label correctly
  • Fix – Gallery – lightbox JavaScript running twice
  • Improve – improve error handling for errors that occur after echoing AJAX JSON. This will avoid the “unexpected character in JSON” error some users have been seeing.
new version

Breakdance 1.0.1 RC1

Breakdance 1.0.1 RC1 is now available.


  • Remove beta warning from Breakdance > Home
  • Fix support for “0” as HTML attribute values
  • Fix – CSS minification in custom CSS calc units when “+” was present
  • Fix – RankMath causing attachments with dynamic data to error
  • Fix – Dynamic Data IO-TS error – caused by a translation plugin not setting the taxonomy label correctly
  • Fix – Gallery – lightbox JavaScript running twice
  • Improve – improve error handling for errors that occur after echoing AJAX JSON. This will avoid the “unexpected character in JSON” error some users have been seeing. (Important Note: your server is still misconfigured. This error never had anything to do with Breakdance. Consult your error log.)
new version

Breakdance 1.0

Breakdance 1.0 is now available.

There are no changes in Breakdance 1.0 – it’s exactly the same as Breakdance Release Candidate 2.

The release candidate versions of Breakdance will stop working on September 20th 2022.

Thank you to all of our beta testers!

new version

Breakdance Release Candidate 2

Breakdance Release Candidate 2 is now available.


  • Security – general security hardening
  • Forms – fix ReCAPTCHA
  • Add option to enable one-click beta version updates at Settings > License > Beta Versions
new version

Breakdance Release Candidate 1

Breakdance Release Candidate 1 is now available.

Changes that are likely to affect the behavior of your existing design are listed below in red.

Polish & Fixes

  • Buttons – allow responsive button sizes (BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY WARNING: https://www.loom.com/share/312a863af51e476686c4771b5f8731bd)
  • Global Styles – forms – improve full width submit button option on responsive
  • Global Styles – fix global styling controls for active WooCommerce form fields
  • Global Styles – fix transition duration for button effects
  • Global Styles – fix products per row not always respecting global at certain breakpoints
  • Popups – fix IO-TS errors in certain circumstances
  • Dynamic Data – add support for the_author_link
  • Column, Div, Wrapper Link – fix z-index issues when using an overlay background
  • Code Block – move CSS into inline style tag in the body instead of the head, fix double quotes
  • Section – fix dynamically set background image not showing on media queries
new version

Breakdance Now Available for Purchase

With the release of Breakdance Beta 12, the public beta of Breakdance is now closed to new users. We will release Breakdance 1.0 in the first half of September.

We’d like to thank all of our beta testers for helping us get 1.0 ready!

Breakdance is now available for purchase at special introductory pricing.

What will happen to my beta license?

It will be deactivated on September 20th.

I’m an Oxygen user – how do I get my free year of Breakdance?

Instructions will be available on the oxygenbuilder.com customer portal when Breakdance 1.0 is released.

I’m an Oxygen user – can I combine the $149/year special introductory pricing offer with my free year?

Yes. Instructions will be provided when Breakdance 1.0 is released. Once you obtain your free year of Breakdance using the instructions in the oxygenbuilder.com customer portal, you can buy the $149/year subscription. Your free year will carry over to year two, so when it’s time for the $149/year package to renew the first time, you simply won’t be billed – you’ll get a free year. The package will then renew as normal in subsequent years.