Design Controls
The controls in this section allow you to customize the background appearance of the Advanced Slide Element. This includes color settings, layers, and their associated properties such as size, position, and repeat patterns.
- Color – Set the primary background color for the slide.
- Clip – Choose how the background image or color is clipped or confined within the slide.
- Layers – Allows for multiple background layers, each with its properties.
- Type – Decide if you want an image, gradient, or overlay color type for the layer.
- Image – Select an image for the background layer. (Note: Available only when the layer type is set to ‘image’).
- Size – Define how the image should be sized within the layer. (Note: Available only when the layer type is set to ‘image’).
- Width – Specify a custom width for the image layer. (Note: Available only when the size is set to ‘custom’).
- Height – Specify a custom height for the image layer. (Note: Available only when the size is set to ‘custom’).
- Repeat – Choose if and how the image should repeat. (Note: Available only when the layer type is set to ‘image’).
- Attachment – Determine if the image should scroll or be fixed. (Note: Available only when the layer type is set to ‘image’).
- Position – Decide the image’s starting position. (Note: Available only when the layer type is set to ‘image’).
- Left – Adjust the image’s left position. (Note: Available only when position is set to ‘custom’).
- Top – Adjust the image’s top position. (Note: Available only when position is set to ‘custom’).
- Gradient – Choose a gradient color. (Note: Available only when the layer type is set to ‘gradient’).
- Overlay Color – Set a color overlay for the layer. (Note: Available only when the layer type is set to ‘overlay_color’).
- Blend Mode – Choose how layers blend or interact with each other.
The controls in this section provide flexibility in determining the layout structure of the Advanced Slide Element. This includes alignment, directionality, wrapping, and spacing.
- Advanced – Dive deeper into advanced layout settings.
- Flex Direction – Choose the direction in which content should be laid out.
- Align Items – Adjust the alignment of items. (Note: Available only when ‘Flex Direction’ is set).
- Justify Content – Determine the horizontal distribution of items. (Note: Available only when ‘Flex Direction’ is set).
- Flex Wrap – Choose if items should wrap or not. (Note: Available only when ‘Flex Direction’ is set).
- Align Content – Adjust the vertical alignment of content. (Note: Available only when ‘Flex Direction’ is set).
- Gap – Set the space between items. (Note: Available only when ‘Flex Direction’ is set).
- Align Children – Quickly align child elements. (Note: Available only when ‘Flex Direction’ is not set).
- Vertical Align Children – Adjust the vertical alignment of child elements. (Note: Available only when ‘Flex Direction’ is not set).
The controls in this section allow you to set the internal space, namely padding, around the Advanced Slide Element for a more aesthetically pleasing layout.
- Padding – Define the space between the content of the slide and its borders.