
Presets Overview

Introduction to Presets in Breakdance

Presets allow you to create and edit designs that can be applied to multiple elements across your website. Changing the design of a Preset will update all elements on your site that use that Preset.

A Preset stores any properties added to an element’s design tab and can be applied to other elements of the same type. For example, a Text element Preset can only be applied to other Text elements.

Preset Options

1. Create a Preset

You may create a new Preset by selecting an element, going to the Design Tab, clicking the “Choose Design Preset” dropdown in the Properties Panel, and then selecting “Create Preset from Design.”

2. Apply a Preset

After a Preset has been created for an element, you can click the Preset in the “Choose Design Preset” dropdown in the Properties Panel when another element is selected to apply the Preset to that element.

An image showing where Preset options 3-6 are within the Breakdance editor.

3. Detach Preset

You may detach a Preset from an element by clicking the detach button in the Design Tab of an element. This will apply the Preset’s styles to the element. You may then edit the element’s styles separately from the Preset.

4. Clear Preset

You may remove a Preset from an element by clicking the clear button in the Design Tab of an element. This will remove the Preset and all styles from the element.

5. Editing Presets

You may edit a Preset by clicking the “Edit” button next to the Preset in the Properties Panel or by going to Settings > Design Presets in Breakdance to open the Design Presets Panel.

6. Deleting Presets

You may delete a Preset from your site through the Design Presets Panel. When a Preset is deleted, all elements that used it will have their designs removed and revert to the element’s default styles.

Additional Notes

Using presets is a powerful way to ensure design consistency and efficiency in website development. By leveraging presets, you can significantly reduce the time required for adjustments, making it easier to maintain and update your site’s appearance.