

Integrating Meta Box Fields with Breakdance

This article discusses how to integrate Meta Box fields into your Breakdance designs, enhancing your web pages with dynamic data from custom fields.

Before beginning, please ensure that Meta Box is installed, the custom fields you wish to use are created, and content is populated for the fields in the intended posts.

Adding Dynamic Data in Breakdance

Selecting Dynamic Data for Elements

  1. Open Breakdance and add a new element.
  2. Click the dynamic data button located in the properties pane on the left side of the screen to access the dynamic data popup.
  3. In the popup, navigate to the Meta Box fields section, where fields are organized by post types and cloneable group fields are in their own categories.
  4. Select the desired Meta Box field, and the data will automatically update within Breakdance for the selected element.


Using Meta Box Data with Different Elements

The Meta Box fields you can use in Breakdance will vary depending on the type of element you are working on. For instance, a Video element can accept oEmbed fields or URL fields and will have different data point options compared to a Gallery element or Text element. This allows for a larger range of dynamic data options.

Advanced Usage of Meta Box Fields Fields

Integrating Cloneable Group Fields

It is also possible to use the Cloneable Group Meta Box field in Repeater fields. You may learn more about how to use Cloneable Group fields here.

Using Meta Box in Loop Elements

You can use Meta Box fields in loop elements in the ‘Order By’ section to customize how content is ordered within the loop element.

Additional Notes

The integration of Meta Box with Breakdance opens up vast possibilities for customizing your website’s content dynamically. By utilizing Meta Box fields, you can create more engaging, personalized, and interactive web experiences for your users.