
Twitter Embed Tweet

Content Controls


This section provides controls to embed a specific tweet on your webpage. You can insert the tweet using its URL, and have options to hide the conversation thread or media (such as images or videos) attached to the tweet.

  • Tweet URL – Enter the URL of the tweet you wish to embed on your webpage.
  • Hide Conversation – Toggle this to hide the reply thread that is usually displayed with the embedded tweet.
  • Hide Media – Toggle this to hide any images, videos, or other media attached to the tweet.

Design Controls


This section lets you tweak the visual style of the embedded tweet to ensure it blends seamlessly with the rest of your webpage. You can choose a theme that suits your website’s aesthetic.

  • Theme – Select a theme from the dropdown to change the visual appearance of the embedded tweet.


Adjust the size of the embedded tweet to make sure it fits perfectly within your webpage layout. You can define the width to ensure consistency across different devices and screen sizes.

  • Width – Set the width of the embedded tweet to align with your webpage’s layout.


Manage the spacing around the embedded tweet to enhance its positioning on your webpage. Adjust the top and bottom margins to create the perfect alignment and improve readability.

  • Margin Top – Increase or decrease the space above the embedded tweet.
  • Margin Bottom – Increase or decrease the space below the embedded tweet.