
All Breakdance
features on one page

Breakdance offers over 130 built-in elements, a blazing fast user interface and extensive WooCommerce integration.


Background Video

Add background videos to sections. Mobile devices are supported.

Background Slideshow

Add background slideshows to sections.

Shape Dividers

Add shape dividers to sections with built-in shapes or a custom SVG.

Background Overlay

Add gradient or color overlays to sections.

Blend Modes

CSS blend modes are supported.

CSS Filters

CSS filters are supported

CSS Transforms

CSS Transforms are supported.

Mask Shapes

Create image masking effects using built-in shapes or a custom SVG.


px, vw, vh, %, calc, em, rem, etc.

Flexbox Layout Engine

With gap.

Nestable Containers

Sections. Columns. Divs.


Google Fonts. Adobe Fonts. Custom WOFF uploads. CSS fonts and custom font provider.

SVG Icons

Default and custom SVG icons.

Text Effects

Stroke, gradient text, shadow, image background.

Gradient Backgrounds

Unlimited stops.

Box Shadow

Layer multiple shadows.

Gradient Buttons

Unlimited stops.

130+ Builder Elements

Builder elements for every need.

Global Colors Palette

Global colors and gradients

Typography Presets

Global typography presets.


Scrolling, entrance, and sticky animations.

Responsive Design

Hide and show by device. All elements responsive out of the box. Preview at any width with drag bar.

Responsive Columns

Reverse column order. Specify a custom order for any column. Column gap.

Custom Breakpoints

Unlimited custom breakpoints with full customisation based on device width


All elements are accessible. Menu Builder is accessible with keyboard nav, tabs are accessible, etc.

Color Sampler

From the color picker, click anything on the page to sample it's color.

Link Actions

Open lightbox. Call phone number. Send email.

It's the best pagebuilder i have seen. I used many like Elementor, beaver Builder, WP Bakery, these builders not come even close to the fluent options and all features build in one. It's so fast and super interface workflow. Breakdance "this it it" for the Wordpress community
Marcel Sloot

Creative Professional


Undo / Redo

Step back or forward through your work.

Revision History

Restore saved revisions.

Import / Export Settings

Import / export your Breakdance settings for use on another site.

Import / Export Individual Blocks

Import / export design elements or sections for use on another site.

Copy Paste

Copy and paste elements.

Copy Paste Styles

Open and edit different pages and templates without leaving Breakdance.

Cross-Page Copy / Paste

Copy elements from one page to another.

Cross-Domain Copy / Paste

Copy elements from one site to another.

Document Chooser

Open and edit different pages and templates without leaving Breakdance.

Maintenance Mode

Take your site down for maintenance so it is only accessible to admins or certain users.

URL Replace for Easy Migrations

Change your domain name easily.

HTTPS Friendly

Switch to https easily.

Migration Plugin Compatibility

Use Breakdance with migration plugins with no problems. Breakdance content is never base64_encoded.

Client Mode / Role Manager

Give users access to edit content without changing the design.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Hit Command+Shift+/ or Command+? in Breakdance to see all shortcuts.


Searchable Add

Quickly add elements with searchable input.

On Canvas Drag & Drop

Drag and drop elements to build your webiste.

Draggable Spacing

Create spacing between elements with ease.

Structure Panel

See your website structure in a separate panel.

Right Click Menu

Copy and paste elements and interact with canvas.

Dark Mode

Toggle between light and dark mode.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Hit Command+Shift+/ or Command+? in Breakdance to see all shortcuts.

Zoomy Canvas

See your project at any screen size without resizing browser window.

Custom Panel Positions

Organise your workspace

Soft Reset / Total Reset

Safe reset your settings without losing your data.

Fast UI Load Time

Performance is our priority.

Searchable Properties Panels

Quickly find any element property or settings.

Draft Mode

Draft your elements before publishing.

I set up a site to play with Breakdance and had a complete web novice with me, watching, as part of my test of Breakdance. I am so impressed by how easy this is to use, and how powerful. It even made sense to the novice.
Avril Roy-Smith

Creative Professional

Full Site Editing


Design and build headers.


Design and build footers.


Design and build different templates for Single Post, Archives, Search, 404 pages any other template.

Global Blocks

Design and build global blocks and reuse them anywhere.

Template Conditions

Create most complex templates using conditions. 


Custom Forms

Build any type form.

Contact Forms

Create contact forms with ease.

Login Forms

Design and build WordPress login forms.

Register Forms

Design and build WordPress register forms.

Newsletter Forms

Design and build newsletter forms.

Stepped Forms

Divide your forms into steps and increase conversion.

Manage Submissions

Manage form submissions in the WP admin

File Uploads

Upload attachments.

Global Form Styles

Manage your form styles from one place.

CSV Exports

Export form entries to CSV


Secure your forms with ReCaptcha

Honey Pot Field

Keep spam away with honey pot field.

Form Integrations

CSV Exports

Export form entries to CSV


Send form data to any webhook.


Send form data to MailChimp.


Send form data to Drip.


Send form data to Drip.


Send form data to ActiveCampaign


Send form data to ConvertKit


Send form data to Discord.


Send form data to MailerLite


Send form data to Zapier


Send form data to Slack

Fallback Defaults

Go Themeless

Use Breakdance without a theme for maximum design flexibility.

Keep Theme

Design page content with Breakdance. Breakdance won't affect your theme.

Zero Theme

A place for functions.php and overriding plugin templates while still going themeless.

Breakdance is a powerful yet lightweight plugin that allows you to create beautifully designed & highly optimized websites in little time. The builder is easy to use and integrates with Gutenberg for content editing. There's a lot you can do with Breakdance and Soflyy did a great job developing it!
Justin Gluska



Popup Builder

Build any type of popup in Breakdance.

Custom Triggers

Trigger your popups exactly when and where you want it.


Combine Popups with conditions.

Popup Forms

Create Popups with forms

Intent Popups

Create Popups with different intents.


30+ Elements

Breakdance gives you total control over your WooCommerce store.

Quantity Input

Easily update product quantity.

Facet Integrations

Filter your store products.

Beautiful Defaults

Breakdance makes WooCommerce look fantastic by default. No need to manually build out your pages.


WooCommerce looks great out of the box. No need to manually create all the WooCo pages in Breakdance.

Global Styles

Control your store branding from one place and don't worry about anything else.

Theme Compatiblity

Optionally disable Breakdance's WooCommerce styles and allow your theme to style WooCommerce.

Themeless Mode

Breakdance styles all parts of WooCommerce for you automatically. There's no need for a theme with Breakdance.

Dynamic Data


Show or hide elements based on anything.


Display templates based on dynamic data and conditions.

Dynamic Data

Connect data to your element controls.

Dynamic Request Params

Use HTTP request parameters as dynamic data.

MetaBox Integration

Breakdance works with MetaBox

ACF Integration

Breakdance works with ACF

Post Loop Builder

Create designs that apply to loops of posts or any custom post type.


Create designs that apply to ACF or MetaBox repeaters

Meta Query

Fetch any data with WP Meta Query.

Conditional Logic


Show or hide elements and templates based on user data.


Show or hide elements or templates based on time.


Show or hide elements or templates based on URL data/


Show or hide elements or templates based on user session

Custom Code

Show or hide elements or templates based on custom code.


Show or hide elements or templates based on browser or operating system.

Dynamic Data

Show or hide elements or templates based on dynamic data.

Post Data

Show or hide elements or templates based on post data.


Show or hide elements or templates based on WooCommerce store data.

150% the only WP builder you need. Can’t rate this high enough.
Simon Gilbey

Creative Professional



Create CSS classes and visually set their properties, including :hover, z-index, absolute positioning, CSS filters, etc.

Custom Selectors

Create custom CSS selectors and visually set their properties.

PHP Code Block

Write PHP code inside Breakdance, live.

Custom HTML

Add custom HTML with a Code Block.

In-Builder JavaScript

Write JavaScript inside Breakdance using a Code Block.

Header / Footer Tracking Code

Add tracking code to your head and before the end of the body from the WP admin.


Set an HTML ID for any Breakdance element.

HTML Attributes

Add HTML attributes to any Breakdance element.

No Notices / WP_DEBUG compatibility

Run Breakdance with WP_DEBUG enabled.

PHP 7.4 / 8.0 compatibility

Use Breakdance with either PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.0

Global Styles

Global Settings

Control global styles for colors, buttons, forms, containers, typography, and more.

Browse Mode

Click through your site while styling it.

Great Defaults

No need to create any theme templates. Themeless Breakdance install will look good by default.

Global Typography

Manage typography from one source.

Typography Ratio

Create typography sizing with one click.

Global Colors

Manage brand and text colors from one place.

Global Gradients

Reuse gradient colors globally.

WooCommerce Styles

Set an HTML ID for any Breakdance element.


Manage container sizing globally.

"I am building my website with Breakdance. It's the first time I get 100/100 on Google PageSpeed Insights."
Georg Von Cederbörg

Creative Professional

Performance & SEO

Bloat Eliminator

Remove common WordPress bloat.

Fast Load Times

Pages built with Breakdance are bloat free and load fast.

Yoast SEO Integration

Get SEO scores on Breakdance-designed content.

Customizable HTML Tags

Choose heading and root HTML tags for your elements.

CSS Caching

Static CSS is cached on save, not generated on page load.

Choose Image Size

Choose an appropriate image size or resize images in the builder.

Responsive Images

Images are output with an appropriate srcset tag.


Dynamic Data Points API

Add data points to the Dynamic Data chooser.

Conditions API

Add conditions to the Conditions chooser.

Form Actions API

Add submission actions to the Actions After Submission.

PHP Code Block

Write and run PHP code inside Breakdance.

Element Developer API

Create elements for Breakdance using Element Studio, our visual element creation tool.

Design Library

Design Library

Choose from 100s of pre-made design elements or import whole design sets.

User Design Library

Turn your website to design library and reuse elements quicky.


Import designs from professionally design templates.

Experience the Breakdance difference.

Unlimited license.
Unlimited websites.

Get maximum flexibility with unlimited licensing and domain activations.

60-day money back guarantee.
No questions asked.

Get your money back within 60 days of purchase, no questions asked. It's risk-free!

Premium support.
Get all the help you need.

We offer premium support to ensure the ultimate customer experience.

Just $199.99/year for
unlimited sites.

For a limited time, we're offering an unlimited site license for just $199.99/year. Buy now to lock in this price.