
Creator Guidelines

Below are creator guidelines for various types of content that can be submitted for publishing on breakdance.com.

Following these guidelines gives your creations a greater chance of being published on our platform.

Video Tutorials

We look for the following qualities in tutorials published on our platform.

  • Narration: Audible narration helps users to follow along with a tutorial. Non-narrated videos are unlikely to be published.
  • Video Quality: High quality audio and visuals are expected and required. Grainy screen recordings or other quality issues will diminish the chance of getting published.
  • Concept: Your video tutorial's concept should be interesting and useful. Avoid overly simple topics (e.g. "How To Create A Link") and make sure that the video provides actionable steps that will help the viewer improve their work or achieve some specific goal.
  • Title: Your title should be concise, describe the content of the video, and should not include "Breakdance." Note that this only applies to the title of the video as submitted on breakdance.com - your YouTube video title should absolutely include "Breakdance."
  • Description: Your video description should summarize the content of your video in about one paragraph. Keep it simple and to the point - the description area on breakdance.com is not meant to contain the amount of content that the video description box on YouTube can.